Day 29 - Monday, Oct 1 - Lafayette, LA to Gadsden, AL

Starting mileage:  7053 Starting time: 8:30 am
Ending mileage: 7561 Ending time: 5:00 pm
Travel mileage:  508 Travel time: 8:30 hours

We decided to head home directly from Lafayette so today and the next two days will just be travel days.

In this part of the country Fox & Friends seems to be the preferred TV channel in the mornings. It is interesting to see how the "other side" thinks. This is certainly the Trump TV channel.

When we were leaving Texas and entering Louisiana, the trees were Live Oak with Spanish Moss and then pine trees of some sort. Coming into Mississippi, there was a wider variety of trees that I couldn't identify although there were Magnolias in the highway median.

We got 445 miles on our last tank of gas which is the most we've gotten. Our mileage has improved to 30-31 mpg which is a big improvement from the 25-26 mpg that we were getting going across South Dakota. Driving at 70-75 instead of 80+ must make a big difference.

We decided that we should try the Waffle House restaurant, a regional chain that has been featured in some movies. I envisioned a thick crunchy waffle with whipped cream and different toppings. There wasn't much in the way of options. I ordered a pecan waffle with sausage. A bit later I got room temperature bacon and a rather thin plate-sized waffle that was unevenly baked - guess we won't go there again!

Day 29 map
Entering Alabama - final leg home


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